What does Ama Crystals offer?

Ama Crystals brings you both crystals and crystal work services such as crystal therapy and workshops.
I carefully chose the crystals for the shop. I do this listening to inner guidance, and focusing on what crystal I feel are required for healing in our present times.  All the crystals I sell are crystals which I would love to have myself (and trust me, I really would have them all!). It is true that I can not vouch  for the journey these crystals have had since initially being mined, I would be lying if I said that they are all ethically sourced. My suppliers always say they have been ethically mined, however, I am very aware that in the majority of scenarios, crystals start the journey out of earth in a mining industry with the purpose of profiteering. I try to deal with suppliers in the country of origin, mainly Brazil, India, Vietnam, Madagascar and China. Where possible I have developed relationships with the manufacturers themselves. The one thing that I can guarantee is that from the moment that these crystals reach my hands, they are lovingly looked after. They have a space in my home, where they live, they listen to music, get regularly cleansed and participate in our crazy family life. All crystals go through a ritual of cleansing on arrival, committing them to working for their highest good and releasing any energies that do not serve them. 
Crystals cleansing on the ground. Grounding with crystals. Clear quartz points charging crystals
To compliment the shop,  I also offer some services that provide the information and knowledge that some of you may want. The crystal workshops are practical sessions designed to gain knowledge and confidence working with crystals. In these workshops I will help you connect with the soul of crystals so that you develop an intuitive way to  work with them. For those that would like a bit more,  I offer a one to one crystal teaching day which can be tailored to your needs. There is more information about this in the services section. I am in the process of creating a YouTube channel where I can share some of my knowledge about crystals and my personal experience of working with them.
In additional to the crystal shop, I offer energy healing sessions from my therapy space in Somerset. Each session lasts 60 minutes, with an initial session being 90 minutes. During a session I use a mixture of healing tools, from Reiki, crystals, sound, light touch, aromatherapy and essences.