Behind Ama Crystals

The person behind Ama Crystals:

I am Olaia Rubina, a spirited woman that landed in the UK from Spain in 2001. Crystals have been part of my life since a young child, however they were in the background for years, sitting in a box without really being used. I became a mum in 2012, and with that, a process of transformation was triggered. Crystals became my favourite tool to help me in my journey of growth and development which was brought about by motherhood. By 2016 I had left a career as an intensive care nurse, and I had trained in Reiki and Crystal Therapy. I then returned to college to study a diploma in complementary therapies. Since 2015 I have been working with crystals, in crystal healing treatments and Reiki sessions. In 2016 I started selling crystals at events and local markets. I love connecting with people and passing on information about crystals whilst sharing my passion and knowledge. I also enjoy learning about the different experiences that people have with crystals, and seeing the spark that crystals bring up in people.

Over the years, I have completed many different energy work courses: Usui Reiki Master level, Shamballa Reiki, Tera Mai Reiki, Angelic reiki Master level, and just recently, Holy Fire Reiki Master level. As I have an inquisitive mind, I completed a Diploma in Vibrational Medicine, and in 2015, I gained a Diploma in Crystal Healing studying with the most amazing teacher, Gill Conway, to whom I will forever be grateful. In 2016 I completed a Diploma in Complementary Therapies at City of Bristol College to further my practical knowledge of aromatherapy, massage and reflexology.

Despite of all of these certificates, I am probably not qualified for my everyday job. I am mum to three wonderful boys who teach me every day the power of love. These three souls show me what unconditional love is. With them I have been on a conscious journey of self-development and personal growth since 2012. When I am not mothering them, or looking after crystals, I nurture myself with long walks in the hills, a regular yoga practice and the occasional gym visit which provides me much needed β€˜me’ time.

For those that want to find me, I live in Somerset with my three boys and 7 chickens. I attend some local events selling my lovely crystals, so keep an eye on my social media for events, or contact me if you would like a crystal healing session.