How to choose your new crystals...

The best way to chose your crystals is by tuning into your intuition. Crystals work connecting to your energy. Which ever crystal is aligned to you, it will resonate with your energy field. You may notice this in different ways; it may be a tingling sensation in your hands, or a feeling of heat in your gut; it may just be a pull towards a crystal or maybe a crystal in particular catches your eye more than the others. If in doubt hold the crystal with your left hand and focus inwards to notice whether you feel the crystal. 
If you are choosing a crystals for someone else, try to close your eyes, think of that person connecting to their energy, and then open your eyes and focus on what crystal is now standing out to you. 
If you haven’t connected to your intuition yet, you may choose to read about crystal properties and guide yourself to a crystal that you think may be suitable for you now.
Another option is to notice what colours have you been drawn to lately, what colours are you bringing into your home or clothing. You could choose some crystals in the same colours and notice how you feel with them. 
Trust that the right crystal will come to you. It is a little bit like choosing friends, you will attract your crystal tribe. 
If in doubt, I am happy to help. You can send me a message and I will do my best to connect with you and intuitively help you find your crystal.