Why the crystals we dislike have a beautiful lesson for us?

I was recently sitting at my stall looking at a piece of Atlantasite and a thought popped into my head: nobody likes you. I then thought of the crystals that rarely get picked up, like Indigo Gabro, or Que Sera Stone, Black Moonstone or a gorgeous green crysophrase which I love (but nobody else seems to like it). I had just myself discussed with a customer how despite recognizing that the pieces of Blue Aragonite are beautiful, I still do not get on with it. And this got me thinking… are those crystals that we dislike teaching us a lesson?… 

The crystals that we don’t like may represent our shadow aspects, or parts of ourselves that need to be healed. By understanding why we are drawn to certain crystals and repelled by others, we can begin to uncover our subconscious thoughts and feelings about ourselves. Working with these challenging crystals can help us address our inner conflicts and promote healing.
Shadow work is a great way to explore our inner child, as it can help us identify and release emotional pain that we have been carrying for years. Through this process, we can gain insight into our true selves and create space for healing growth. By utilizing the power of crystals in conjunction with shadow work, we can create lasting positive change in our lives. 


Ultimately, it’s important to remember that the crystals we don’t like can teach us powerful lessons about ourselves and our emotional healing journey. With an open mind and a willingness to explore our innermost depths, these challenging crystals can help us uncover hidden aspects of who we are and create a healthier relationship with ourselves.

I myself my grab one of those gorgeous Blue Aragonite tonight and sit an meditate with it. I wonder what healing will bring me, and I am already grateful for the lesson. 



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