5 Crystals to get you started in your spiritual journey with healing crystals

Crystals have long been associated with spiritual connection. They come in all shapes and sizes, each carrying their own unique energy and properties.
My first crystal was an Amethyst, and in my experience this is a first crystal friend for many. Once you realize that you are in love with crystals and you feel that pull to have them all, it is helpful to have an idea of what crystals to start with in your journey. Each person will have a particular choice, so I am sharing here my choices.  Here's a look at five of the best crystals to help you enhance your spiritual connection: 


1. Selenite: This crystal is known for its ability to clear negative energies and help connect you to your higher self. It can also be used to open and activate the crown chakra, allowing you to connect deeper with your spiritual side. 


2. Amethyst: This is a powerful stone for enhancing spiritual connection as it is said to stimulate intuitive abilities, creativity and imagination. It's great for facilitating meditation sessions, which can help you connect directly with your higher self. 


3. Quartz: This crystal is known for its ability to amplify energy and can help you raise your vibration in order to better tap into spiritual realms. It’s said to promote clarity of thought and enhance communication with spirit guides.


4. Obsidian: Another powerful stone, obsidian is known for its ability to clear away negative energy and help you access your intuition. It’s also said to protect against psychic attacks, which can be very beneficial if you are trying to connect spiritually.


5. Carnelian: This stone is said to stimulate the root chakra, allowing you to feel more grounded and connected to the Earth. It’s also known for its ability to cleanse and clear away negative energies, making it a great choice if you need to be more open and receptive to spiritual messages.


These five crystals are just some of the best choices when it comes to enhancing your spiritual connection. They are all easy to find in most crystal shops, and they are all plentiful in the Earth, and therefore affordable.  By incorporating them into your practice and rituals, you can open yourself up to higher energies and access your inner wisdom. 


Happy crystal hunting!  :) 

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